Tag Archives: retail

The 3 fundamentals you need for a successful retail business

(image via freeimages.com) As we are now in the midst of Chinese New Year and a time for celebration, I thought it would be a good time to reflect and plan for the year ahead. What determines the success of a retail business? I believe it fundamentally boils down to 3 things which I call […]

Customer Service is DEAD!

(image via shutterstock) Was extremely disappointed with the service received from a certain runner service in Kuala Lumpur today! Did not get my package picked up and was not even informed that the packaged was not picked up. Had to do a lot of digging to get the customer service number and then was only told […]

The No. 1 reason why your retail business is failing – Part 2

image via pixabay   Last week we talked about the challenges of running a retail business and why almost half of all retail businesses end up closing. The main reason is the brand’s inability to stick in to the mind of the consumer (i.e positioning).   We also talked about how we could use the ladder […]

The No. 1 reason why your retail business could be failing – Part 1

image via pixabay   The retail business is a challenging industry! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In a study conducted by the University of Tenessee (read more here), only 47% of retailers continue to operate after 4 years! That means a whopping 53% failure. If that is not challenging, I have no idea what is. […]

How to drive online traffic into your brick and mortar stores

image via pixabay   It seems no matter how you look at it, online sales are continuing to gain over traditional retail sales. So as retailers should we just roll over and admit defeat? We say NO!   But how do we get out of this cycle? We believe that it should not be a […]

What does it take to run a successful cafe

image via morguefile   Hi everyone, so sorry that this is the first post in a long while. I have not been well and to be honest work has just been hounding me since February. But what inspired this posting is that I had the opportunity to meet with a friend over the last few […]

Lessons I have learned from Tony Hsieh

I have actually been mulling over what the next topic of this blog should be and well I felt strongly that I would like to share some lessons which I have learned from Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos. Granted I have not met the man but I would like to someday soon! What I have […]

5 Things to consider before setting up your Retail Business

image via freeimages.com   So you have decided to quit your day job and move into the glamorous line of retail. But just before you make your final decision to embark on this new adventure, perhaps allow us to give you a sneak preview of the 5 things we think you should consider before setting […]

The 5 Retail Trends of 2015

image via shutterstock   It has been an incredible year for Retail in 2014… but as we move ahead, here are some of the identifying retail trends of 2015 .   Retail is all about experience As the online and mobile shopping become more ubiquitous, the retail scene needs to move more towards giving its customers who come […]