Author Archives: Wee Vien

3 Tips to Offer Discounts Without Harming Your Retail Business

(Image source:   Discounts can be a double edged sword. On one hand, it allows you to clear your goods and spike sales, on the other, it may end up harming your business reputation (click here to read more on our article on 3 Reasons Why Discounts May be Harming Your Business). But in […]

2 Top Reasons Why Getting Your Retail Business Strategy Right is Important

(Image source: Every business needs a strategy. It is the fundamentals to guide you to achieve greater heights and ensure that your business is on the right track. But is it really that important? Here we look at a couple of key factors why we say it is. (Image source: 1.      […]

3 Reasons Why Discounts May be Harming Your Business

(Image source:   Almost anyone would love a good discount. You pay less money for the goods you want, what’s not to love? And because it is such a good way to attract customers, retailers would often offer it at some point in their business to give themselves a boost. But what happens when […]

Understanding Big Data and How is it Beneficial for Your Retail Business

(Image source:   Big data may be a term that we hear every now and then. But how many actually understand what it is and how is it beneficial to your business?   What is Big Data? According to Google, big data is essentially an ‘extremely large data sets that may be analysed computationally […]

3 Things You Should Know When Marketing to Millennials

Millennials are an interesting bunch. They practically grew up surrounded by technology and are some of the most technologically savvy group right now. Trying to market to millennials using traditional methods are no longer effective as they now seek different type of engagement with the products or services that they choose. Here are some of […]

4 Ways to Market Your Retail Business

(Image source:   Marketing your retail business is crucial to get the word out to customers, as what use is a good product if customers are not aware of it? While ads and flyers are some of the staple methods, there are many other ways that can provide you with good exposure, drawing your […]

Retail Store Window Display (Part 2) – 4 Steps to Create an Engaging Window Display

(Picture source:    After reading our part 1 article on Retail Store Window Display – Top 4 Reasons to Have One, you’re probably wondering how exactly should you create a compelling window display? Here are 4 steps to help you create one.   (Picture source:   Step 1: Craft out a story Much like […]

Retail Store Window Display (Part 1) – Top 4 Reasons to Have One

(Picture source:   Window displays, to have or not to have? Some retailers may look at it as an additional feature that requires extra investment and serves little purpose, as having a designated window display area takes up valuable selling space and requires constant updates. However, in our humble opinion, window display does a […]

Retail Employees – 4 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Them

(Picture source:   The importance of retail staff are often overlooked by retail employers. Most employers perceive staff as just an individual to help run matters around the store and is not seen as an important aspect of their business development. In actuality, retail employees play a huge part in the success of the […]

Ideas to Increase Store Appeal & Drive Sales in 4 Areas of your Store

(Picture source: Retail may be about selling and marketing products to customers, but if your store is not able to convey your products well to them, all those efforts may be left in vain. Planning an effective layout for your store is able to enhance visibility of your products and draw customers into your […]