3 Things You Should Know When Marketing to Millennials

Millennials are an interesting bunch. They practically grew up surrounded by technology and are some of the most technologically savvy group right now. Trying to market to millennials using traditional methods are no longer effective as they now seek different type of engagement with the products or services that they choose. Here are some of the things you should know if you are to target them.  

(Image source: stocksnap.io)  

  1. They want a life that is ‘lived’

Millennials crave experiences. They tend to seek a life that is filled with meaning, seeking new and exciting opportunities that enriches them. The same goes to their purchase choices. Millennials are often drawn to brands that provide innovative and exciting products as it gives them a chance to discover a new experience. Besides, they also like to be the amongst the first to share a new discovery with their friends, actively searching and ready to test out new things as soon as they hear about it. By embracing and implementing new ideas that focuses on customers’ experience in your business, it will entice millennials to try out your products and hopefully provide you with some promotion afterwards.    

(Image source: pixabay.com)  

2. They seek connection
They want to feel connected with your brand. Traditional marketing methods using TV or radio ads are not as effective anymore as it is a one-way communication and focuses mostly on selling the brand. Rather, millennials prefer knowing that there is an actual person behind the brand, and that the brand puts their best interest in mind, not just looking to make a quick buck. Good customer service and the willingness of the company to place their customers first, such as investing in social media to engage with them or providing them information that are catered to their interest instead of constantly trying to sell, are essentially what millennials appreciate.  

(Image source: pixabay.com)  

3. They are passionate about causes and social groups
As much as millennials are independent beings who generally does not like getting tied down, they are very passionate about supporting causes and being a part of social groups with like-minded people. Causes such as those related to environment, animals or social wellbeing, etc., are popular amongst millennials. Showing that your brand cares for these causes help capture their attention and bring you and your customers closer as you both now have something in common, and it will make them feel that supporting your business is much more meaningful. According to an infographic by Millennial Marketing, almost 50% of millennials are more willing to buy from a company if their purchase supports a cause. (view infographic here)   Millennials are quite a difficult bunch to market to due to media saturation, and to be able to capture their attention is getting harder by the day. However, it is not impossible once you understand the way they think and how to reach out to them, and picking the right channel and strategy will ensure that you campaign reach them in the most effective way possible.  

At Visata Creative, we work together with our clients to Design Profitable Spaces. To us, a bigger space is not always better, what matters most is the profitability of the space. What matters to us is “helping our clients to achieve the highest profitability possible within their retail businesses”. #Viscreative #DesignProfitableSpaces #VisRetailTipsIf you have any burning questions on retail, email us at tim@viscreative.com